Canada’s distinguished money blog
Greetings from Canada’s West Coast and welcome to my money blog; I extend my personal invitation to explore and peruse my commentaries.
My passion is writing about six major money topics. The first three are retirement planning, managing risk and investing for the long run. The second three include tax management, estate planning and tending to the family business. These six are intertwined and have the greatest impact on wealth management pursuits. A money journey that can easily last for decades.
I am a strategy manager, not a stock picker. My specialty is designing and managing retirement portfolios for the long run. As an advising representative of Lycos Asset Management, my investment management services are discretionary, the highest designation attainable. I am independent, fee-only, not affiliated with products or institutions. My advice is objective, unbiased and without conflicts of interest.
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Will the nest egg outlast your retirement lifestyle? Go to article ››